Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stitches, Smoothies, and Soup

You just know it's going to be a great day when you start the morning off at the oral surgeon's office.  I can't begin to tell you how much I was looking forward to this day.  I even forwent a torturous workout with my trainer for the privilege of waitng for over an hour to enter a different type of torture chamber! 

I'd lost a crown on one of my teeth and needed to have it seen to.  Unfortunately, there wasn't enough tooth left to re-crown so extraction and preparation for an implant was my only option.  Oh joy!  Okay, I'm a big girl and I can do this...right?  Right!

The dental assistant comes in and goes over the procedure, takes my blood pressure which was elevated, of course (hell you're fixing to yank a tooth out of my mouth...hello!), and gave me all the paperwork to sign.  This paperwork also included the total cost of all involved - well, up goes my blood pressure.  She then proceeds to prep me for "surgery," paper hat on the head and all. So now I'm getting nervous!  Why on earth does my hair need to be covered?  Is there a possibility of random stuff just flying out of my mouth and landing in my hair?  Okay, knowing me, there is a big chance of certain words flying out my mouth during a moment like this.  Oh wait, I wasn't able to actually speak this whole time.  Yet that didn't keep the doctor from trying to engage in a conversation.  Are they taught that in school?  Man, I had to result to gibberish and sign language to respond.

As much as I tried to maintain my calm exterior, I was not a happy camper on the inside.  I kept finding myself rising up to follow that tooth and reminding myself to find my "happy place."  You know what?  My happy place isn't within miles of a dental office! They teased me with Pina Colada-flavored topical numbing solution when I certainly could have used the real deal.  Guess what?  I felt that damn needle anyway...three times! Breathe through your nose, breathe through your nose, and ignore the sponge that's in danger of being swallowed.  Somebody save me! 

Well, I lived through it and was starving afterwards.  Could I eat?  A resounding NO!  So I stopped by our local produce market which happens to make amazing and healthy smoothies and grabbed "lunch."  Dinner tonight?  Soup.  I have a better liquid diet in mind which could also serve to be a painkiller.  Yeah, you know what I'm talking about!

This day was so much fun that it left me in stitches...literally! 


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